Your Body During a Breakup: The Science of a Broken Heart

Breakups are emotional roller coasters. Actually that’s not true. If a breakup was anything like a roller coaster the end would be visible from the start, you could say ‘no thanks’ to the ride and at the end of it, for a hefty sum the memory could be savoured forever with a flimsy cardboard-framed photo.

Breakups are are more like being under a roller coaster. 

Before we knew the science we knew the feeling, and used words associated with physical pain – hurt, pain, ache – are used describe the pain of a relationship breakup. Now we know why. The emotional pain of a breakup and physical pain have something in common – they both activate the same part of the brain

Brain scans of people recently out of a relationship have revealed that social pain (the emotional pain from a breakup or rejection) and physical pain share the same neural pathways.

In one study, 40 people who had recently been through an unwanted breakup had their brains scanned while they looked at pictures of their exes and thought about the breakup. As they stared at the photos, the part of the brain associated with physical pain lit up.

[irp posts=”1144″ name=”Dear Broken Hearted One … When You’re In The Thick of a Break-Up.”]

As explained by researcher Ethan Kross, ‘We found that powerfully inducing feelings of social rejection activate regions of the brain that are involved in physical pain sensation, which are rarely activated in neuroimaging studies of emotion.’

He continues, ‘These findings are consistent with the idea that the experience of social rejection, or social loss more generally, may represent a distinct emotional experience that is uniquely associated with physical pain.’

In further support of the overlap between physical and social pain, Tylenol (an over the counter medication for physical pain) has been shown to reduce emotional hurt.

Research has found that people who took Tylenol (an over-the-counter medication for physical pain) for three weeks reported less hurt feelings and social pain on a daily basis than those who took a placebo.

The effect was also evident in brain scans. When feelings of rejection were induced, the part of the brain associated with physical pain lit up in participants who didn’t take Tylenol. Those who took Tylenol showed significantly less activity in that part of the brain.

Nobody is suggesting that the broken hearted turn to pain medication to reduce their lean towards Kleenex, Baskin-Robbins and repeated viewings of Love Actually. Long term use will cane the liver. Somebody else is waiting to fall in love with you, but you and your liver have to stay friends forever.

The Physical Side of a Broken Heart

The human brain loves love. Being in love takes the lid off the happy hormones, dopamine and oxytocin, and the brain bathes in the bliss. But when the one you love leaves, the supply of feel good hormones takes a dive and the brain releases stress hormones such as cortisol and epinephrine.

[irp posts=”1042″ name=”Letting Go: How to Master the Art”]

In small doses, stress hormones are heroic, ensuring we respond quickly and effectively to threat. However in times of long-term distress such as a broken heart, the stress hormones accumulate and cause trouble. Here’s what’s behind the physical symptoms of a breakup:

  • Too much cortisol in the brain sends blood to the major muscle groups. They tense up ready to respond to the threat (fight or flight). However, without real need for a physical response the muscles have no opportunity to expend the energy.

    Muscles swell, giving rise to headaches, a stiff neck and that awful feeling of your chest being squeezed.

  • To ensure the muscles have an adequate blood supply, cortisol diverts blood away from the digestive system.

    This can cause tummy trouble such as cramps, diarrhea or appetite loss. 

  • When stress hormones run rampant, the immune system can struggle, increasing vulnerability to bugs and illnesses.

    Hence the common ‘break-up cold’.

  • There is a steady release of cortisol.

    This might cause sleep problems and interfere with the capacity to make sound judgements 

  • Breakups activate the area of your brain that processes craving and addiction.

    Losing a relationship can throw you into a type of withdrawal, which is why it’s hard to function – you ache for your ex, sometimes literally, and can’t get him/her out of your head. Like any addiction, this will pass.

In a relationship, your mind, your body and the core of you adjust to being intimately connected someone. When that someone leaves, the brain has to readjust. The pain can be relentless but eventually the body chemistry will change back to normal and the hurt will diminish.

Getting through a breakup is as much a physical process as an emotional one. Remember that, and know that it will get easier. Keep going. You’ll get there.


vignesh k

It’s been 7 months since she broke up with me. I am unable to come out of it. Every day the pain is getting increased. I dont like to live actually. I didn’t give importance to her when she was with me. Doesn’t mean that I gave importance to some other girl. I never spoke with any other girl except her. I was very loyal to her, But i didn’t used to be normal lover. Like taking her to movie. Visiting her place during her birthdays. So after so much of patience and sufferings she left me. I didn’t know that how much my behaviour hurted her. If i had known , i would have gone earlier and apologized her. But i went too late and begged her. But she cried and refused. She had so much love on me but i took her for granted. Now am tasting my own pill. The guilt is killing me. She is happy now with her friends. My character didn’t change. It was 7 years love. When we were in college also, my character was same. But daily i used to meet her. After the college, she went to bengaluru and i went to chennai for job. So she started to think. She used to share everthing to me after college also. I used to be same guy. But i didn’t know at that time she will change her mind. She’s earning 25k. Am earning 70k. But still she refused me. She’s not money minded girl.She required only love which i didn’t give. Now i lost the focus on my work. In the verge of losing my job. ALmost lost. Lost my health. Lost everything. I am not many women person. I dont like to talk other girls. All girls are reminding her. I cannot forget my girl. I worry how she will accept some other person. ANd allow some other person to touch her. She very well knows that if any men’s shadow fall on her, i dont like that. But now, some other person is going to own her.


I left. I did it way after I should have. He kept going back to drugs and cheating on me. I know he didnt love me, every action said it. Finally, it sank in. Even knowing what I know, I still hurt. Somedays it is fairly unbearable. I cry where noone can see. I am angry and bitter and stuck in a loop of what happened over the years in my mind. Noone can really care, I dont think. This too shall pass, is my mantra.

Jennifer A

You sound me. Seriously. the drugs and cheating is just too unbearable..i question if he loves me


It has been 2 months since my ex broke up with me. The headache never goes away. The voices in my head never settle down. Whenever i shut my eyes, the same memories keep playing without a pause. The huslte in my mind is driving me crazy. I try to avoid what i am feeling by distracting my mind but it is bothoring that i have to stay distracted all the time because i am afraid to be with myself. I dont know when will this come to an end. This is a version of me that i did not knew existed and i dont like it at all. I want to be cheerful again. I want to be me again. 🙁

Jen 27

I’m glad I found this page. For years after my breakup I blocked out the emotions acting like it didn’t affect me mainly because I got into another relationship not long after. You could say rebound but it was a year after my ex and I stopped living together. In that year we were still “talking” but not dating exclusively anymore. We were together for 4 years. Then, when I met someone else (my now current husband) and he knew things were getting serious.. he expressed how much he loved me and how he would “marry me tomorrow.” I told him how selfish this was to say after dumping me without explanation and moving out. He knew that’s what I wanted to hear because I loved him with all my heart and he crushed me into a million pieces. I gave love another shot though with my current husband. My only issue is that I still feel like what could have been with my ex. Did I make the right decision? My husband now is kind, there for me, my best friend and wonderful partner. However, my ex and I had a “spark” a real deep connection where you just know each other on a different level.. I want that with my husband and not sure if it’s due to a previous broken heart or if we will never have that feeling. Maybe some relationships serve different values..I just feel like I should feel that deep connection. I found out through a friend that my ex married and had a baby same year I got married (last year). I fell into depression– my heart finally processed all of the blocked emotions I felt when I entered my new relationship. There was no stopping the pain, anxiety, stress, heart ache, physical pain and loss. The deep depression lasted 4 months.. I am now going through my self-discovery period while married meaning trying new jobs and activities to get to know my inner self. I never was able to process the break up because I fell in love with my current husband immediately after. He has been fully supportive throughout this journey, he understands my emotions because we have open communication within our relationship. I just have to wonder… did I pass up on that deep love for another type of love? Getting depression about the breakup years later triggered me to think I made a mistake.


I know it’s not a great thing to say but I’m glad it’s not just me, I feel so alone, my home is empty I don’t even want to be here. We split 3 weeks ago after a 3 year relationship and I feel those chest pains, I thought there was something wrong with me. We both decided we couldn’t go on but I’m really struggling with being alone. We did everything together and shared family, now I feel like I have nothing, no plans and dread the weekends coming where everybody is doing things and I’m doing nothing. I miss him so much but I know we can’t be together, I hope this pain goes soon

marco r

All quite depressing. No easy cure for the pain, and insane jealousy that they move on to hapiness


Reading the comments have honestly been a breath of fresh air because I thought I was going through this pain alone, I felt like no one in the entire world can feel these kind of emotions because I felt like I was going crazy! My boyfriend and I broke up 3 weeks ago and it has been so gut wrenching. I dont want to play the blame game because we both hurt each other, but he broke up with me because I couldnt get over the past which caused me to be paranoid, suspicious, and negative, and naggy. But we were together for about 3 years and what I cant get over is how he can just end it with a phone call. Hasnt even texted or message me, I have some stuff left at his apartment and he hasnt even contact me to get them. It is as if he just vanished, which I think is really cold hearted. And now I am left to find closure with this abrupt break up. I feel so insane sometimes because I will have a day or so where I feel like i have conquered this breakup and then just suddenly break out in tears during random moments. Then I spur onto all these guilt and shame thoughts in my mind, I am functioning on the outside but inside I feel like my heart is so heavy. I just want to get over this breakup……

Julianne K

To be honest sometimes, although gut wrenching and cold , they are doing you a favor my friend. No contact gives you time to take a pause . It forces you to stop questioning , reasoning , and brings all the noise to a stop . Everyday you will get stronger .. you will get used to not hearing from him , and you will learn to listen to your own heart , feel your feelings even as raw as they are . I’ve found when they come back it’s like peeling off a scab and you hurt all over again . Trust me he’lll rebound back .. it’s only a matter of time . Whatever is taking up his time will get old and wear off . He’ll see what he had . I too brought past issues and didn’t trust and it drove him away . In my time alone after I worked through that and I won’t bring that into the next one . Another piece of advice don’t date .. wait . Give it time . You’ll just do same thing all over . Good Luck !


I am also going through same. Still feeling heart broken after 3 months of break up, m so much sad and depressed, feeling so bad that I couldn’t express by word, it’s so terrible.. wanna kill myself but I can’t die because of my parents. Every morning when I wake up I feel so depressed and sad feels like dying… Lost job n lost interest in every thing, I have no one to help me? m only being patience… Sitting in room whole day feeling every worst feeling. Hating my self so much for falling in love


So we were together 6 years. It doesn’t matter it sometimes didn’t work out between us. The day she’s gone…the moment you realize she packed up all her things, left the flat we shared and designed together and now is almost empty. She won’t knock on the door anymore, she will not greet you with a smile, won’t ask you what would you like to eat.

I feel really strong pain chest, can’t take a full breathe. My stomach seems closed, I can’t eat, need to force myself to have a meal. I’m 33 now, and I always used to laugh at people having or talking about such symptoms but not anymore. Maybe it will pass but not very soon. Thank you for this article. It’s really good.


I was in an eleven year relationship with a man that knew nothing but how to lie by omission. I waited for him for six years and then he left me. We stayed in and out of a long distance relationship. I have seen no one else but he became absent this past holiday and I had my suspicions which he finally confirmed that he was seeing someone. Spent both holidays with her. He couldn’t even be honest and up front. We had talked to each other pretty much dailyprior to that. I knew the writing was onthe wall but he would always convince me to hang in there and work it out with him. I should be relieved because his lying was exhausting, but it hurts down to my core. I am also pretty sure he has had others on the hook. But I am going to move on and not waste another breathe on him.


I’m glad I found this article. It helped. It’s nice to have an explanation for my feelings and to read about people going through the same thing. My boyfriend of 11 years (on and off) ended things for good with me in October and I’m having trouble coping. We had such a dramatic relationship with a lot of fighting so that’s what ultimately caused the end of it all, but I feel like I can’t live without him. I’ve called him crying twice which was two mistakes – not leading to anything except me sobbing on the phone and him telling me it has to be over. I feel so hopeless and I can feel myself wanting to make drastic decisions to ease the pain. He’s been in my life for so long, I don’t know how to live without him. I know times heals all wounds but I hate not knowing when this crushing pain will finally stop. I feel so scared for the months of pain ahead of me.


I enjoyed the article and finally I’ve put a name to my feelings. I was with him for a little over a year and we parted in October 2018… it’s been an emotional roller coaster – one day you feel high knowing you can do with a better relationship, the next you’re plunging down with feelings of loss. I guess dating someone you consider a great friend must come with a warning – if you lose one you can lose both… I mourn my losses. My mind is messy, sometimes I find myself stalking, my appetite has gone and I’ve visibly lost weight.
I pray for a day this will pass, for now each day is a struggle.


I was having an affair with a married woman. At 60 this was the first time I had experienced a true chemical infatuation, the feeling was out of this world…I ignored the many red flags…and was in heaven for four months. I had to go abroad for a seven week assignment and all communications with her in this time sustained my feelings. On my return I was promptly dumped, to be replaced 10 days later by a man of 25. I am in pieces. I thought I was the one that would be different in her eyes, but now realise I’m just another piece of wreckage left in her wake. No doubt the new guy will suffer the same fate too. She cant even understand the hurt she has caused.

Hands up! I’m complicit in the whole sorry mess, play with fire and you will get burnt. The chemicals…and the pain are however the same regardless.


Fallout, Ho old was the woman? That’s quite a disparity there.. can we have an update?


If you ask me karma came around and bit him in the ass . She wasn’t his to begin with and he has the audacity to be surprised when she dumps him for another piece … unbelievable I just don’t get people today especially these older men


I feel slightly better after reading the comments and reading the post. But there is something i did not find… In my case i was the guilty one, I was too stubborn and to attached and dependant on him. I think my insecurity of “him leavaing me ” killed the relation. I have a low selfsteem and a lot of insecurities and trust issues so I was constantly nagging about him not giving me attention (but he was) I was too demanding and I became obssessed somehow,… I wanted ihim with me 24 hrs and he got fed up… but it was not intentional I swear it’s the result of my fears and insecurities…… but this guilt feeling kills me because I CAUSED him to leave….


Don’t beat yourself up though Sofia ,it doesn’t mean that you are a bad person ,just insecure.Insecurity can happen to anyone at practically any time,especially if you have been cheated on a lot like myself(though I’m no longer insecure lol).

If you have your next relationship just relax a little and let them be them and engage in their own interests taking it slowly.
Good luck 🙂


My boyfriend recently just broke up with me too due to the same reasons and i am thinking it’s all my fault but it isn’t. if someone loves you as much as they claim they would fight fight fight and fight to stay with you no matter what. yes you need to work on your own insecurities as well as i do but don’t ever blame yourself cause it makes it worst. i have actual pain in my heart during this breakup because of how heart broken and saddened i am by this. especially that he hasn’t texted me once and i’m fighting every urge to text him. it’s excruciating the pain i am in.


Hi there. I feel the same way right now. Like it’s all my fault and I’m still living with him. He was really good to me I just couldn’t see it bc of the past. But then I think about the things I nagged at him for and it makes me upset for over reacting. And two that some of those things he did were so hard on me. Now I’m lost bc im in love with a man I can’t be with. I went to work this morning and I’m so anxious I can’t sit still. I can’t eat. I sleep but then I get up for a few hours and want to lay down. I’m shaky. It’s sad. He’s so strong minded. I will probably post what he text me when we broke up. It was so real to me and so different from all other men but then I still sit and classify him with other “dogs” bc he used to be??? Geezzzz


I honestly feel the same. I kept nagging him to understand my past because I was so broken. I admit I am a fragile person with many insecurities. Before he started dating me he had an ex that he was very close to. I had a problem with that because I always had trust issues. It hasn’t been a week of our breakup and he went to her dance to support her and he has been texting her behind my back for over a month. I was broken when he told me the truth. I kept asking him to tell me the truth and the truth was “I don’t want to be with you anymore. I do not love you anymore and I don’t have butterflies when I see you either. I’m just not attracted to you. You were such a downer in my life that did not allow to have certain friends or communication with certain people. You are just so negative I had to leave.” I still think about that and I feel so hurt I actually feel physical pain. I blame myself constantly. And I know I deserve better and that I should have been more trusting towards him but we ended after a year. We broke up a day before our anniversary. He was really the best to me at the beginning. He did little things that made me happy and drove over 30 minutes to see every time. He bought me medicine and dropped it off when I was sick. He treated me the best he could and I took that for granted. I see why he left me and it’s all my fault bc I took him for granted. If I could take him back I would in a heartbeat. I just really need to improve my self appreciation so that when I do get in a relationship in the future, I’ll be able to love the person with my whole heart.


I am so glad i happened upon this article. It has been 2 months since my ex called off our engagement. I havent been able to eat or sleep and i have been very physically sick over this. I havent gone more than a few days without crying randomly. I am relieved i am not alone at least. I suppose it was maybe the right thing but miss “us” terribly. I am doing everything i should be doing to help myself..reading books, seeing a counselor, talking with friends and family, keeping busy, going out for dinners, yoga, reiki. I cut off all contact with my ex even social media. I dont feel any better. When i am out i feel detached and sad and lonely and just want to be home in bed or on the couch. If im asleep i dont have to think about anything . If it weren’t for my daughter i probably wouldn’t leave my home except for work. I was hoping time would help but my heart still aches so very much. I dont know what else to do.

Donna T

My experience with heart break is a little different. I was married for 30 years. 1 day he just got up said he couldn’t take it anymore and was going to a motel to think. I asked what he was talking about and he left. He never returned. He married her 30 days to the day our divorce was final. He filed. He also did some very ugly things to me to keep me from finding out who she was. What he didn’t understand is that I really didn’t care who SHE was. I actually was relieved in the beginning that he was gone. He was very abusive both mentally and physically so I didn’t try to stop him from leaving. That was 7 years ago this month. He left 2 weeks before Christmas. Took all the money out of the bank and broke our grand kids hearts. This was a 2nd marriage for both of us and the grands were actually my blood but they had no idea he was not blood. Most days I have thoughts of him and what he did to me/us I want to hate him but that is not in me. I don’t want him back either. I was so angry for so long now I am just hurt and bewildered that a man could live with a woman for 30 years and just walk out w/o looking back. I actually thought he would come back but he didn’t. I have tried to date but am totally turned off by all men. Maybe it’s fear. I want a partner to share the rest of my life with but I don’t want to start over does that make sense? I turn 65 new years day all the men my age remind me of my grandfather and that just grosses me right out. I thought about therapy but I believe talking to just anyone is just as good. Doesn’t work well either. All my family is dead and I have ended up with custody of my 7 yr old special needs granddaughter which is a blessing to me but the need to share with an adult still exists. Is there hope for me? At this point I think not. I think I am destined to be alone now until the end.

Wanda w

Seek God. He loves you. Also, you may have been living with a Narcissist all these years.

Rachel A

I can’t cope with the pain of my break up. Can’t eat or sleep, I feel depressed. Can’t sleep without the sleeping pills or wine. And to make things worse I think I’m getting addicted to them. How can I make myself feel better and sleep better?


In a lot of respects, the grieving process comes from when you are not getting any answers from an ex as to why he or she behaved in such a way as to cause the break up.
You over-think to the point of doing your own head in.
Friends will say, “oh, you don’t half pick ’em, don’t you” – it always seems to be the friends that are happy in their own relationships that say this – otherwise, they will join in with the slandering of your ex.
When you break up with someone, very often the reason is to save your own sanity, simply because it is just too toxic or the relationship is not going anywhere.
Alot of relationship first meetings are centred around alcohol. Alcohol creates an actor and not necessarily the true character of the person.
It is not always wise to get into another relationship straight away, as you need to re-learn YOU.
I believe a relationship is akin to an ‘investment’ in a bank account.
You invest your time, emotions, trust, thoughts – YOUR ALL!!!!!
If this relationship was an actual bank account, and over a period of time you notice that you are getting very little, or no ‘interest’ in your ‘investment’, you would remove your money and bank elsewhere wouldn’t you?
I believe that the same applies to your broken heart.


I came across this website by accident and thank god I did! Its only just over 2 weeks since I discovered that my husband of 27 yrs slept with a so called friend of us both.I felt like I was the only one that was suffering all this mental and physical pain but then I read all the other posts and feel that I am not alone. My heart is broken and my world has fallen apart but its that physical ache in the chest that will not go away but am trying to tell myself in time it will. My good friends who are supporting me, (do not have close family) keep telling to not retreat into myself but to keep talking about how I feel, no matter how much they will listen but sometimes you feel as though you are going on about it too much , does anyone else feel like this. Please can someone tell me that in time this pain eases as I really do hope so, just so I can find some peace away from all this pain.

Batphink Will

It does and will.I hear you Sharon as I’ve been cheated on more than anyone I know it always hurts unbearably then one day you don;t feel as bad,even slight anger is better than the depression but it will get better,you;ll feel like yourself soon enough Best Wishes. 🙂


Sorry to hear what you are going through and I certainly will pray for you. I am going through the same thing. Married 20 years, forgave my husband for sleeping with so many woman including a best friend. Here I am again 45 and we are yet again separated.


Finding this article that explains the physiology of breaking up with a loved on, has been a life saver. I dated a man who had asked me to marry him, repeatedly and early on in the relationship said he loved and adored me, faked an illness, broke up with me in an email and asked I respect boundaries of limited communication with him. Assuming he was telling the truth, I respected his wishes and did as he requested. Six weeks later, no diagnosis and not being any better off emotionally, decided to do some investigating and concluded he was faking it all along, which further prolonged the symptoms described in this article. Day 3 of the Tylenol remedy and I can say I am feeling a slight improvement.

Come to discover quickly falling in love like he did and then breaking it off abruptly could be a sign of male borderline personality. Which I believe he is clearly displaying.. Thank you to the authors of this article and Tylenol. You have been a lifesaver.


It’s been a year since I broke up with my ex whom I still work with twice a week. I thought I could be his friend again. I was wrong. He has just engaged with a younger woman and announced his engagement on Facebook that I have so many mutual friends. The impact, rejection and isolation I felt were much larger than I expected. And the pain is back. I think about our past whenever I am alone. It has been unbelievably stressful and on some nights I really wanted to end the pain. Yet, I have a daughter to look after and feel trapped in this painful state of mind. My family and friends cheer me up and say, “Let it go. You are fine.” I really appreciate what they say and I do believe “Time will heal.” But in a meantime, I’ve been dealing with emotional roller coaster every day. A year ago, I could not take this pain and stress and went back to the circle of his friends, pretending I was absolutely fine. In fact, I tried to believe I was ok till he announced his engagement a couple of weeks ago. Suddenly, something was broken again in me. Now, I have to go through the healing journey. Hope I can do it this time.


Yes, you can heal and be done with this chapter of your life, for good. Why would you waste time on someone that wasn’t for you? There are plenty of men slipping through your fingers because you are too busy stressing over ancient history!
Change your point of view about men and relationships that don’t last… you enjoy the time and are fine moving on to the next Love of your life, do not waste anymore time!
Get yourself out there dating, online date, and go meet guys weekly! and you’ll see that you’ve been wasting your precious time for nothing! Lots of men waiting to Love you!!


I can’t cope with the pain of my break up. Can’t eat or sleep, I feel depressed. Can’t sleep without the sleeping pills. And to make things worse I think I’m getting addicted to them. How can I make myself feel better and sleep better?


i am currently going through the same feelings now she just left and said i should forget about her though i dont also want to go back to her because i know she might hurt me the more but still i cant get my mind of her how are you coping now ? were you able to totally forget about her ?


I am going through this exact thing right now. But the way we broke up she put it as only a break from each other but I’ve been getting signs it most likely to be permanent. I have always used drugs negatively and this is making it so much worse. I feel as if there are two sides of me constantly arguing as what to do and they hate each other completely. I am not feeling suicidal at all but i also have trust issues. This is making it increasingly difficult every time a relationship fails to keep going and trying again with someone new.


He is on my mind every min Im awake This physical pain in my chest is unbearable, every breath I take it hurts without him in my life,the uncontrollable stressful crying,I cant function ,Im not thinking, eating or drinking properly due to stress,I am emotionally and physically exhausted , I just want to go to sleep and never wake up,its been 5 weeks now, I think I need a therapist so I dont take him back and NEVER have to feel this way again!


I know how u feel. Its been about 47 days since my ex brokeup with me and i still feel heartbroken and depressed and i still often think about things that transpired and led to our end. But it gets easier. Its not as painful as it used to. And i agree that time does heal all our hurts. Take it a day at a time. I find comfort in those who are experiencing the same way as I do. And it always helps to just keep looking forward. Just keep living life. There is hope for us. And we can we happy if we choose to be.


I was with my ex for 6 years, the last 2 we were engaged. We were supposed to be married two weekends ago but she left me. Not only just leave me but go with another f***ing guy ! I have NEVER felt this excruciating pain before in my life. I didn’t eat for 5 days. I didn’t want to talk to anybody. I cried half the water out of my body. I’ve been taking sleep medicine just to get some sleep. I am extremely depressed and cannot get over this pain. My worst night mare that I could have ever imagined is my life. I am literally living in HELL on earth right now. It’s weird to see you girls feeling pain as the girl I was with doesn’t feel anything. I am realizing now she is a sadist & sociopath. I can’t imagine getting over this, I don’t know what happiness is. She ripped my heart out, constantly stomps on it, and has no remorse for her actions. I have never been more sad or in more pain or more of a cloudy mind than I am now 🙁

Batphink Will

DO see a counellor ASAP after 3 years I’m only slightly better than you and even considered suicide but I won;t do it now.However waking up on a beautiful morning and wanting to not exist still happens/Some people love too much.
I wish you a speedy recovery,time will make it hurt less,I know I’ve lost a few partners I thought were soulmates.

Samantha p

to be honest this article is saving my life I was wondering why I felt so suicidal why I literally could not handle the physical pain in my chest I could not understand in.
my brain my thinking was over it for my body couldn’t handle it the withdrawals of not being physically intimate anymore I just could not understand that I can say one thing a lot of prayer and fasting can help anyone get into prayer and fasting reading positive reading the Bible fasting and praying to Jesus positive thoughts this has been the worst pain in my life this was like if you had a good relationship with your mom or dad it was like losing a parent at the age of 7 or 8 I didn’t know people attached so strongly profoundly we only work together for 7 months it was so


I thought it was just me, my chest pain is very similar to when I watched my precious mom pass away , its heartbreaking literally ?


Your pain from a romantic relationship break up felt similar to the loss of a parent? I often feel I’m over reacting, but this is interesting if true


Very true. It’s extremely similar to losing your Mom. I can relate. Thank you, Cindy.


Am I dumb for breaking up with my boyfriend after 6 years and he had no future plans for us ? When I brought it up he said I should be focusing on myself and my career!


I am ADHD, I suffer from major depression, I’m bipolar and very sensitive to what I perceive to be negative criticism.
I am on anti-depression meds, mood stabilisers (and the whole kitchen sink) which I use very diligently, knowing that I have a problem and that without them I would be even worse off than what I am. For the past 15 years I am and have been seeing a psychiatrist and a psychologist who have helped tremendously, teaching me who I am and how to deal with me but problem is “talk is cheap” and to practice what they preach is just something I battle to do making me hate the me who I am even more after I have had yet another outburst knowing full well that that what I did was wrong and hurtful but revenge is my weapon and unfortunately for me a very evil weapon that I wish I could throw away as far as the east is to the west.
We all know the saying that goes, “it’s never me that is at fault, it’s always the other person” Well I fit the profile of never being wrong to a T and all I do is pick fights, or so I’m told.
My current wife (number three) has not only been my wife and partner for six years but also my best friend, and me hers in spite of all the fighting…………… until now. Finally she has put her foot down and called it a day which has broken me to the bone giving me butterflies in my stomach just thinking of what tomorrow might bring. I also know that what I am doing at the moment is probably the worst thing I can possibly do but I’m spend as much time with her as possible begging for a second chance making all sorts of promises which a few hours later frustrated out of my mind say things which drive the dagger in yet deeper.


I know…..with the diagnosis you have it is hard not to say things you regret when feel upset and hurt. I don’t know the answer and I wish I did….each time we fight about the same thing. He tells me I am immature. I like going places with him. Things for us started great then slowly disingrated. But I feel nuts because he acts differently every 3 or 5 days. I wish I knew if he were cheating…because I wouldn’t be so heart broken and feeling sad that I can’t trust. I just wish it all didn’t hurt so much!!


I’ve been diagnosted severe depression with anxiety disorder after an unwanted all of a sudden breakup. No one around me knows how to deal with me because I’ve always been busy, running two jobs, organising events, surrounded by people, and always kept myself super busy. After 3 1/2 years together I decided to make big changes in my life to adapt to hers, than I proposed and a few months later I moved in with her and her two adorable kids. For me it was all I wanted, but I felt some insecurities from her. Instead of being comprehensive and working with her, I showed disapointment and lack of attention. Even though we had communications problems, I thought it was for life, that love would cure anything and whatever happens, there would always be a way to fix things. Apparently not; after only 3 months living together, she asked me to leave. She said she loved me but accumulated to much of my mistakes and life choices. I haven’t had a good night sleep since. I take pills, I see a therapist, I reach out to friends, but instead of doing better every day it’s getting worse. Social phobia, zombie like behaviours as if I was waiting for a sign from life to tell me what to do. I read I should do something I like, something pleasant for myself, and there is nothing. 3 months later I’m still rumminating, I barely go out and I don’t see the end of it.


I am going threw the same thing a matter of fact I just got out of the hospital today. It feels like I’m going crazy like I can’t breath I cant even taste food any more no sleep. Why do we let me that have rejected us destroy us. I can’t not stay in this round


I am having the same feeling .. I hope you healed since 2018 and not feelingthat bad. Please wish me heal soon. It isb een 5 months and it feels like happend now.. I am taking tablets to sleep .. I still dream of my ex when I sleep and I don’t have any dreams but my mind is going crazy and I can’t control it.. i’d appreciate if you read my reply, to give me any advice to help me to overcome this .. Thank you!


I liked someone so much. He said he didn’t want a relationship and I kissed another guy and lied about it. He used the broken record technique on me until I told him but he doesn’t believe that I didn’t cheat. I won’t speak to me ever again but expected me to wait for him. I don’t understand. I am in such emotional and physical pain over it. If he liked me he should have told me. I didn’t know. He was so angry and hurt.


I face same problems like you after break up….But Echart tolles teachings change my life so much….one day its all over…


Why does my body feel numb to everything. I can’t feel any emotion. I really loved him and he didn’t love me.


I know….I am scared. I am sick to my stomach…can’t breathe. I can’t eat…last time I felt like this was 27 years ago and lost 30 pounds and ended with irritable bowel symdrome. What is worse yet is I have to stay here under the same roof because I need to save for an apartment. Which will take me 2 to 3 months. I am sick and still love him, but he acts so strange. For 3 days we get along great..then he will come home work and act like I have the plaque. I am constantly thinking he is cheating ….he needs to take a shower right away…brush his teeth before kissing me. If he tries at all. Finally a big blow out again….because I think he is cheating Everytime he withdraws away. I am heart sick and have to go….it has been almost 2 years since March. I know what I have todo….suffered from anxiety anyway because I thought he was cheating Everytime he withdrew. Ugh


“the process is as physical as psychological”; “the muscles stores lot of blood and energy”;

1. does doing excessive physical exercise help negates the effect of fight and flight response?
2. is there a safe process using which we can our ever activated ” Fight and Flight” response.

Karen Young

To answer your first question, yes – exercise is the natural end to the fight or flight response and will help to burn the neurochemicals that come with anxiety. These neurochemicals are designed to ready your body for the physical act of fighting or fleeing, but when there is no need for fight or flight they build up and this is where the physical symptoms of anxiety come from. Exercise also helps to balance out the neurochemicals in the brain that contribute to anxiety, so there is an immediate effect and a long term effect.

The fight and flight response is in all of us and is designed to keep us safe. Any time there is danger, our fight or flight response is designed to make us stronger, faster, more powerful, more alert to be able to deal with the threat. The problem is when it happens too often and too unnecessarily – this is when anxiety can become a problem. The good news is that anxiety can be managed. You will find plenty of articles on this site which discuss how to do this.


My better half of four years just left me about a month or so ago now. I still have the same pain as the second it happened. I can’t sleep at night, I cry at home, at work in my truck while driving. It’s affected every aspect of my life, I’m only 34 and I was positive I was having a heart attack last week from the pain this has caused. She told me a few days ago she was seeing someone new and he was making her very happy already, I won’t lie that was probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever heard. I’ve tried the no contact but it never seems to work. She’s told me to find someone new but I’m nowhere near ready for anything like that. Its sad to read all these messages but just letting everyone know you’re not alone. I just wish they could come up with some miracle pill to get rid of the heartache and pain these bad breakups bring

Karen Young

Evan I wish they could come up with that miracle pill too. I’m sorry for your heartache. Know that you are not alone, and that you will get through this.


Evan, I feel the same exact way. I notice this was 2017 when it happened, when did it get better?


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Too many students are being stifled by anxiety, and this number is on the rise.

Far from being ‘another anxiety workshop’, this comprehensive approach will draw on neuroscience, evidence-based strategies, and highly respected therapeutic models in developing a fresh, impactful approach to working with anxiety in young people.

We will explore anxiety from the ground up, developing a ‘roadmap’ for a therapeutic response to anxiety that will include key information, powerful strategies, and new responses to anxiety to effect immediate and long-term change.

This workshop is for anyone who works with young people in any capacity. 

Includes full catering, handbook and PD certificate.

For the full range of workshops in Australia and New Zealand, see the link in the bio.♥️
Relationship first, then learning and behaviour will follow. It can’t be any other way. 

Anxious brains can’t learn, and brains that don’t feel safe will organise young bodies (all bodies) for fight, flight (avoidance, refusal, disengagement, perfectionism), or shutdown. 

Without connection, warmth, a sense of belonging, feeling welcome, moments of joy, play, and levity, relational safety will be compromised, which will compromise learning and behaviour. It’s just how it is. Decades of research and experience are shouting this at us. 

Yet, we are asking more and more of our teachers. The more procedural or curriculum demands we place on teachers, the more we steal the time they need to build relationships - the most powerful tool of their trade. 

There is no procedure or reporting that can take the place of relationship in terms of ensuring a child’s capacity to learn and be calm. 

There are two spaces that teachers occupy. Sometimes they can happen together. Sometimes one has to happen first. 

The first is the space that lets them build relationship. The second is the space that lets them teach kids and manage a classroom. The second will happen best when there is an opportunity to fully attend to the first. 

There is an opportunity cost to everything. It isn’t about relationships OR learning. It’s relationships AND learning. Sometimes it’s relationships THEN learning. 

The best way we can support kids to learn and to feel calm, is to support teachers with the space, time, and support to build relationships. 

The great teachers already know this. What’s getting in the way isn’t their capacity or their will to build relationships, but the increasing demands that insist they shift more attention to grades, curriculum, reporting, and ‘managing’ behaviour without the available resources to build greater physical (sensory, movement) and relational safety (connection, play, joy, belonging).

Relationships first, then the rest will follow.♥️
Love and lead. 

First, we love. Validation lets them know we see them. Validation is a presence, not a speech. It’s showing our willingness to sit with them in the ‘big’ of it all, without needing to talk them out of how they feel.

It says, ‘I see you. I believe you that this feels big. Bring your feelings to me, because I can look after you through all of it.’

Then, we lead. Our response will lead theirs, not just this time, but well into the future. 

If we support avoidance, their need to avoid will grow. The message we send is, ‘Maybe you aren’t safe here. Maybe you can’t handle this. Maybe your anxiety is telling the truth.’ 

Of course, if they truly aren’t safe, then avoidance is important. 

But if they are safe and we support avoidance, we are inadvertently teaching them to avoid anything that comes with anxiety - and all brave, new, hard, important things will come with anxiety. 

Think about job interviews, meeting new people, first dates, approaching someone to say sorry, saying no - all of these will come with anxiety.

The experiences they have now in being able to move forward with anxiety in scary-safe situations (like school) will breathe life into their capacity to do the hard, important things that will nourish and grow them for the rest of their lives. First though, they will be watching you for signs as to whether or not anxiety is a stop sign or a warning. The key to loving bravely and wholly is knowing the difference.

Teach them to ask themselves, ‘Do I feel like this because I’m in danger? (Is this scary dangerous?) Or because there’s something brave, new, hard, important I need to do. (Is this scary-safe?). Then, ‘Is this a time to be safe or brave?’

To show them we believe they are safe and capable, try, ‘I know this feels big, and I know you can do this.’ Then, give them a squeeze, hand them to a trusted adult, and give them a quick, confident goodbye. Their tears won’t hurt them, as long as they aren’t alone in their tears.

It doesn’t matter how small the steps are, as long as they are forward.♥️
I'm so excited to be speaking about separation anxiety at the Childhood Potential Online Montessori Conference. 

The conference will involve conversations with over 40 other experts, and will take place from 27-31 January 2025. This is for anyone who is an important adult to a young child or toddler. 

I'd love you to join me. See more here 

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