A super-easy, super-quick way to feel brave, strong, and powerful.
I want to show you something you can do when you’re feeling anxious to help you feel brave enough – and you only ever need to feel brave ‘enough’. Five fingers, and let’s try this. ‘I am – brave and – strong and – powerful.’ ‘I am – brave and -strong and – powerful.’ So if you can, do this as you’re doing strong, deep, steady breaths. Strong deep steady breaths help calm the amygdala, the part of your brain that is making you feel anxious, that’s trying to protect you. Strong, deep breathing calms the amygdala. This is a reminder for your amygdala that you’ve got this, and you can do this. So, as you’re taking strong, deep, steady breaths, use your fingers and say to yourself, ‘I am – brave and – strong and – powerful.’ ‘I am – brave and – strong and – powerful.’ Do this every morning when you wake up, or when you go to sleep so it becomes automatic for you. It’s just a way – when your amygdala is surging you with a super body fuel because it thinks it needs to protect you and get your body ready to be safe – this is a way that you can calm your amygdala and find the courage in you that you need to move towards those important, meaningful things.